抓图程序-Java grab 包的技术提示

抓图程序-Java grab 包的技术提示

几年前,我构建过一个基于命令行的 DE<GetImagesDE< 应用程序 — 请看列表 4 — 来获取网页中的图像,并将它们存放到我的磁盘上。此应用程序只有一个用于连接到 HTML 文档的 URL 参数。解析 HTML 文档,将 标记的 DE<srcDE< 属性值提取为可识别的图像文件,然后下载这些文件。

列表 4 GetImages.java

 DE<// GetImages.java

import java.io.*;

import java.net.*;

import java.util.regex.*;

import javax.swing.text.*;
import javax.swing.text.html.*;
import javax.swing.text.html.parser.ParserDelegator;

public class GetImages
   public static void main (String [] args)
      // Validate number of command-line arguments.

      if (args.length != 1)
          System.err.println ("usage: java GetImages URL");

      // Create a Base URI from the solitary command-line argument. This URI
      // will be used in the handleSimpleTag() callback method to convert a
      // potentially relative URI in an  tag's src attribute to an
      // absolute URI.

      final URI uriBase;

          uriBase = new URI (args [0]);
      catch (URISyntaxException e)
          System.err.println ("URI is improperly formed");

      // Convert the URI to a URL, so that the HTML document can be read and
      // parsed.

      URL url;

          url = new URL (args [0]);
      catch (MalformedURLException e)
          System.err.println ("URL is improperly formed");

      // Establish a callback whose handleSimpleTag() method is invoked for
      // each tag that does not have an end tag. The  tag is an example.

      HTMLEditorKit.ParserCallback callback;
      callback = new HTMLEditorKit.ParserCallback ()
                     public void handleSimpleTag (HTML.Tag tag,
                                                 MutableAttributeSet aset,
                                                 int pos)
                        // If an  tag is encountered ...

                        if (tag == HTML.Tag.IMG)
                            // Get the value of the src attribute.

                            String src = (String)
                                         aset.getAttribute (HTML.Attribute.SRC);

                            // Create a URI based on the src value, and then
                            // resolve this potentially relative URI against
                            // the document's base URI, to obtain an absolute
                            // URI.

                            URI uri = null;

                                // Handle this situation:
                                // 1) http://www.javajeff.mb.ca
                                // There is no trailing forward slash.
                                // 2) common/logo.jpg
                                // There is no leading forward slash.
                                // 3) http://www.javajeff.mb.cacommon/logo.jpg
                                // The resolved URI is not valid.

                                if (!uriBase.toString ().endsWith ("/") &&

                                    !src.startsWith ("/"))
                                    src = "/" + src;

                                uri = new URI (src);
                                uri = uriBase.resolve (uri);
                                System.out.println ("uri being " +
                                                    "processed ... " + uri);
                            catch (URISyntaxException e)                            {
                                System.err.println ("Bad URI");

                            // Convert the URI to a URL so that its input
                            // stream can be obtained.

                            URL url = null;

                                url = uri.toURL ();
                            catch (MalformedURLException e)
                                System.err.println ("Bad URL");

                            // Open the URL's input stream.

                            InputStream is;

                                is = url.openStream ();
                            catch (IOException e)
                                System.err.println ("Unable to open input " +

                            // Extract URL's file component and remove path
                            // information -- only the filename and its 
                            // extension are wanted.

                            String filename = url.getFile ();
                            int i = filename.lastIndexOf ('/');
                            if (i != -1)
                                filename = filename.substring (i+1);

                            // Save image to file.

                            saveImage (is, filename);


      // Read and parse HTML document.

          // Read HTML document via an input stream reader that assumes the
          // default character set for decoding bytes into characters.

          Reader reader = new InputStreamReader (url.openStream ());

          // Establish a ParserDelegator whose parse() method causes the
          // document to be parsed. Various callback methods are called and
          // the document's character set is not ignored. The parse() method
          // throws a ChangedCharSetException if it encounters a  tag
          // with a charset attribute that specifies a character set other
          // than the default.

          new ParserDelegator ().parse (reader, callback, false);
      catch (ChangedCharSetException e)
          // Reparse the entire file using the specified charset. A regexp
          // pattern is specified to extract the charset name.

          String csspec = e.getCharSetSpec ();
          Pattern p = Pattern.compile ("charset=\"?(.+)\"?\\s*;?",
          Matcher m = p.matcher (csspec);
          String charset = m.find () ? m.group (1) : "ISO-8859-1";

          // Read and parse HTML document using appropriate character set.

              // Read HTML document via an input stream reader that uses the
              // specified character set to decode bytes into characters.

              Reader reader;
              reader = new InputStreamReader (url.openStream (), charset);

              // This time, pass true to ignore the  tag with its charset 
              // attribute.

              new ParserDelegator ().parse (reader, callback, true);
          catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e2)
              System.err.println ("Invalid charset");
          catch (IOException e2)
              System.err.println ("Input/Output problem");
              e.printStackTrace ();
      catch (IOException e)
          System.err.println ("Input/Output problem");
          e.printStackTrace ();

   public static void saveImage (InputStream is, String filename)
      FileOutputStream fos = null;

          fos = new FileOutputStream (filename);

          int bYte;
          while ((bYte = is.read ()) != -1)
             fos.write (bYte);
      catch (IOException e)
          System.err.println ("Unable to save stream to file");
         if (fos != null)
                 fos.close ();
             catch (IOException e)

列表 4 使用 DE<javax.swing.text.html.parser.ParserDelegatorDE< 类创建一个 HTML 文档解析器,调用解析器对象的 DE<public void parse(Reader r, HTMLEditorKit.ParserCallback cb, boolean ignoreCharSet)DE< 实行解析。此方法使用了三个参数:

  • DE<rDE< 标识一个用于读取 HTML 文档的 DE<java.io.ReaderDE< 对象。
  • DE<cbDE< 标识一个处理所解析的标记及其属性的 DE<javax.swing.text.html.HTMLEditorKit.ParserCallbackDE< 对象。
  • DE<ignoreCharSetDE< 标识是否忽略文档的 DE<标记(如果存在)中的 DE<charsetDE< 属性。 DE<

解析器在解析过程中调用了各种各样的 DE<ParserCallbackDE< 方法。但只有一个方法是 DE<GetImagesDE< 需要的:即 DE<public void handleSimpleTag(HTML.Tag t, MutableAttributeSet a, int pos)DE< 方法。这是一个为没有结束标记的标记(例如,)调用的方法,它使用了三个参数:

  • DE<tDE< 通过 DE<HTML.TagDE< 对象对标记进行标识。
  • DE<aDE< 通过 DE<javax.swing.text.MutableAttributeSetDE< 对象标识标记内的属性。
  • DE<posDE< 标识当前解析到的位置

现在您已经清楚地认识到 DE<GetImagesDE< 的工作原理,应该试着运行一下了。例如,您可以指定 DE<java GetImages http://www.javajeff.mb.caDE< 将该网页上的图像下载到自己的 Web 站点的主页上。结果应该与以下类似(当前目录下出现了一些新图像文件):

 DE<uri being processed ... http://www.javajeff.mb.ca/common/logo.jpg
uri being processed ... http://www.javajeff.mb.ca/common/logo.gif
uri being processed ... http://www.javajeff.mb.ca/na/images/wom.jpgDE<

但是 DE<GetImagesDE< 在命令行模式下再多么有用,也不及使用 GUI 抓取和查看图像来得方便。我的 DE<IGDE< 应用程序,结合 DE<GetImagesDE< 源代码和前面的一些技巧以及一些 GUI 代码正是为此而生。图 4 展示了 DE<GetImagesDE< 的 GUI,建议您查看本文的代码归档文件(资源)以获取源代码。

抓图程序-Java grab 包的技术提示 - alpsdyk2001 - 编程学习!
图 4 使用抓图程序的 GUI 方便地抓取和查看图像
此图像抓取程序将文章中介绍的技巧很好地结合在一起,但是还遗留了一些问题,关于这些问题的解决方法就当成家庭作业吧。问题 1:抓图程序下载图像,图像的标记需要指明相对 URL (例如,),但是无法下载指明绝对 URL 的图像(例如,)。
问题 2:抓图程序无法下载动态生成  的 src 属性的图像。作为例子,以下  标记的 src 属性是我最近在 JavaWorld 主页上发现的:src=”http://ad.doubleclick.net/ad/idg.us.nwf.jw_home/;abr=!ie;pos=top;sz=728×90;ptile=1;type=;ord=063423?”。

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